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7 Proven Methods to Generate Income From Your Website In 2024

In this article, we will be discussing 7 tried-and-tested ways to monetize your website in 2024. These strategies are not only proven to boost revenue, but they are also future-proof, ensuring long-term success for your online business. So let's dive in and explore the top ways to monetize your website in the coming years.

Unveiling the Tech Marvels at CES 2024: A Fusion of Innovation and Trends

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and every year, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) gives us a glimpse into the future of consumer technology. As we enter the year 2024, CES has once again opened its doors to the world, showcasing the most innovative and cutting-edge products and technologies. From futuristic gadgets to groundbreaking inventions, CES 2024 has it all. This year's event, held in Las Vegas, has brought together industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, and innovators from all over the world to witness the unveiling of the latest tech marvels.

Boost Your Website Traffic: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Grow Your Audience with Social Bookmarking

In this article, we will explore the various ways in which you can utilize social bookmarking to drive more traffic to your website and ultimately boost your online presence.

Factors Contributing to the High Demand for Website Design in Dubai

This article will discuss the factors contributing to the high demand for website design in Dubai. It will also explore how businesses can benefit from hiring a professional website design company in Dubai, like Royex Technologies, for creating a web presence that's not just visually captivating but also highly effective.

Future of SEO: Predictions for 2024

In this article, we will explore what the future of SEO might look like in 2024. We will discuss the potential impacts of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, mobile search, and voice search, and how these changes could shape the SEO landscape in the next five years.

5 Major Trends For AI in 2024

Looking ahead to the new year, 2024, it's a crucial time for AI. Big changes and exciting discoveries are on the horizon. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the world of AI in 2024. We'll uncover five important trends that are reshaping the usual ways of doing things and creating a future where AI isn't just a tool but a vital part of how we connect and understand our world.

5 Digital Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2024

With the digital marketing landscape rapidly evolving, businesses must stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive. Digital marketing trends of the past decade have drastically changed how businesses reach their target audiences and have enabled them to reach more people than ever before. As we look ahead to the next five years, it's important to consider which digital marketing trends will continue to shape the landscape and how businesses can leverage them to stay ahead of their competition. In this article, we will explore the five digital marketing trends and predictions for 2024, and how it will impact businesses.

How AI Will Impact Ecommerce in 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a revolutionary force poised to redefine the way businesses operate and consumers engage in the digital marketplace. As we embark on the journey into 2024, the intersection of AI and e-commerce promises a myriad of transformative impacts, from enhanced customer experiences to streamlined operations and unprecedented levels of personalization. This article delves into the profound ways AI is set to shape the future of e-commerce, unraveling the intricacies and potentials that lie ahead.

Emerging Mobile App Trends in Dubai For 2024

As the mobile app industry continues to grow in Dubai, it is important to understand the emerging trends in the region. In the coming years, the mobile app industry in Dubai is expected to expand at an incredible rate, offering numerous opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs. With the right strategies and insights, businesses can capitalize on these emerging trends to create successful mobile apps. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the key mobile app trends in Dubai for 2024 and will help businesses identify the best practices for mobile app development in the region.

5 Biggest Ecommerce Challenges in 2024 And How To Tackle Them

As we delve into the heart of 2024, the e-commerce landscape stands as a dynamic arena, marked by innovation, rapid technological advancements, and evolving consumer expectations. Yet, with the opportunities come a new set of challenges that e-commerce businesses must confront to thrive in this ever-shifting digital environment. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the key challenges that are poised to shape the e-commerce landscape in 2024 and delve into strategies to overcome these hurdles.

Web Development Trends That Will Dominate in 2024

As we embark on the journey into 2024, the winds of change in web development are gusting stronger than ever, promising a landscape defined by transformative technologies and a relentless pursuit of user-centric experiences. In this article, we embark on a journey to uncover the web development trends that will be the architects of change in 2024.

Top 6 Game Development Tools in 2024

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the top 6 game development tools that will be available in 2024. We will provide details on the features of each tool, and an insight into the development process. By understanding the top 6 tools available in 2024, you can make an informed decision about the best tool for your project.

7 Profitable Mobile Apps To Develop in 2024

The mobile app development landscape is dynamic, constantly evolving with technological advancements and shifting consumer preferences. As technology advances, so does the mobile app industry. As we step into 2024, the demand for innovative and functional mobile applications is higher than ever. In 2024, there will be a variety of mobile apps that offer great potential for businesses and developers alike. From e-commerce to social media, there are a plethora of mobile apps that can be developed to increase profits and help businesses reach their goals. In this article, we will discuss seven of the most profitable mobile apps that could be developed in 2024.

5 Trends Expected To Shape Ecommerce in 2024

The world of ecommerce is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, with innovations and trends reshaping the way businesses connect with consumers. As we stand on the brink of 2024, several exciting trends are poised to take center stage, influencing the future of online retail. In this article, we delve into the five key trends that are expected to shape the ecommerce landscape in the coming year.

A Comprehensive Guide on Improving Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Improving your ecommerce conversion rate is an ongoing process that requires a multifaceted approach. By focusing on website design, user experience, testing, personalization, trust-building, and strategic marketing, you can create a more compelling and conversion-friendly online store. Keep a close eye on performance metrics, listen to customer feedback, and be willing to adapt your strategies to meet the changing needs and expectations of your audience. With dedication and a data-driven mindset, you can boost your ecommerce conversion rate and drive sustained success for your online business.

The Benefits of Integrating Mobile Solutions into E-commerce Website

In this article, we will explore the benefits of integrating mobile solutions into e-commerce websites and discuss how businesses can capitalize on the opportunities mobile solutions offer. We will also examine the various tools and strategies businesses can use to maximize the potential of mobile solutions.

How to Develop an Online Payment App Like MyFawry

The world is becoming more and more digital with every passing day. As a result, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to have an online payment system that is both secure and reliable. One notable example is MyFawry, a leading online payment platform that has gained popularity for its user-friendly interface and diverse range of features. It allows customers to pay for goods and services securely and quickly, without having to worry about the safety of their money.

Decoding Mobile App Monetization Strategies: Insights from Royex Technologies

In this article, Royex Technologies, a mobile app development company in Dubai with more than 10 years of experience, will discuss mobile app monetization strategies. Mr. Rajib Roy, the founder of Royex Technologies, will provide useful answers to the questions that organizations and entrepreneurs have when it comes to developing mobile apps.

Tips on Choosing a Shopping Cart for your Online Store

E-Commerce is a big thing among entrepreneurs and majority of them want to have their own unique stores. Being a booming industry a lot of turnkey solutions/platforms have sprang up to offer aspiring entrepreneurs with little technical knowledge to launch their own online stores. However, with plenty comes confusion and entrepreneurs are facing predicament in choosing the right platform that suits their business.

Six Benefits of Customized e-Commerce Platform – Woops EMS

It is easier for starters to use of the shelf e-commerce solution as it can save money and time. But, experience show that common generic platforms can lead to huge extra cost to the company in future. As such, deploying a customized platform as per your needs can help your business grow without much hindrance.

5 Reasons why you should use Integrated E-commerce and not open source E-commerce

The biggest difference between open source e-Commerce platform and integrated e-commerce platform is the cost. Open source is totally free and you don’t have to pay any subscription or license fee like integrated e-Commerce platform.

Managed e-commerce platforms vs. Content Management Systems (CMS) and Woops EMS

A huge number of e-commerce platforms are emerging these days as the competition of running online e-commerce business is increasing at a rapid pace. It is getting difficult to choose the right platform or tools when it comes to starting your own online e-commerce business. And it gets more complicated when you don't have any technical or background knowledge of the platforms, services or the tools required to start the business.

The future shopping system : Shopping Without Leaving Your Car

This future e-commerce service will help those people who can not afford to waste time searching for and choosing goods in the usual hypermarket. This will help us to shorten our time. Let's take a closer look at the future shopping system.

Top E-commerce Sites In Middle-East & UAE

When it comes to e-commerce sales in the middle region,a list of 25 e-commerce sites in Middle East and UAE, are the captains of their trade. If you are looking for a trusted e-commerce development company in Dubai, please don’t hesitate to contact us.We, Royex Technologies s a leading web development Dubai company offering top quality web design & development solutions.

Reasons Why Magento is Best Ecommerce Platform

Magento is the perfect choice for companies with high revenue and sales. High level functionality and technical support is offered by paid versions. The demands of complex business models could be met with magento’s advanced features. For fast growing businesses that want to scale, Magento will be the best option.

What will be the e-Commerce Trends in 2019?

Each and every companies should watch important marketing trends. Because the way you market your e-Commerce business today may not work tomorrow. What about something a bit more practical in e-commerce business? Here are five e-Commerce marketing trends your business should consider in this year.

Top 5 ECommerce Trends For The Upcoming Year 2019

Do you want to know what the future holds for an eCommerce website and the future trends likely to decide the success of e-commerce business? Just a little bit more practical and get your e-commerce business into a new level.

Advantages of Hiring Professional E-commerce Website Design & Development Company!

These days, people can buy products and services anytime from anywhere through the online shopping cart. An e-commerce website also offers security by integrating secured payment gateway ensuring hassle-free completion of transaction and orders to satisfy clients. Royex technologies are highly specialized in delivering skilled professionals to build a well equipped with website designing tools and techniques to design a quality portal.

10 Reasons to Select Magento for Your E-Commerce Website

The use of smartphones and internet has proliferated in UAE’s futuristic and progressive city, Dubai. A survey conducted by MasterCard claims UAE to be leading the e-commerce revolution in the Middle East, with the statistics showing 5 out of every 10 people to be seeking services and purchasing products online.

Top 10 Reasons why Magento is a Reliable E-Commerce Platform

To be honest, it is not an easy task to run an e-commerce website or business. It needs constant sweating to develop a strong presence on the web, and only that gives you a competitive advantage. There are many e-commerce and CMS (Content Management System) platforms exist on the internet and Magento is the leading platform among them for online shopping especially.

Shopify – The Best Suited System For All Small-Scale E-Commerce Ventures

Royex is a trusted name as an eCommerce development company based in Dubai. We are an experienced firm having adeptness at working with various development systems, such as Drupal, Magento, OpenCart, and Shopify.

Online Shopping Apps

With the growing use of the internet, e-Commerce has emerged as the latest trend in the commercial sector. By the term e-Commerce, we refer to the online sale and purchase concept. Initially, the launch of e-Commerce appeared as a lucrative opportunity to the merchants for growing and expanding their businesses.

Inventory Management Mistakes

Being inventory management Software Company, we are required to send out trainers all around the country to help various warehouses of different companies implement our software in to their system.

Eleven Cost cutting Tips for eCommerce Business

In today’s world where every other venture that is entering the already saturated market comes under the domain of eCommerce. And with an ever increasing number, it has become hugely important to keep the costs under control at all times. Reducing the cost will not only help your business become more efficient but will also help you to achieve its profitability targets.

Eleven Cost-cutting Tips for eCommerce Business

In today’s world where every other venture that is entering the already saturated market comes under the domain of eCommerce. And with an ever increasing number, it has become hugely important to keep the costs under control at all times. Reducing the cost will not only help your business become more efficient but will also help you to achieve its profitability targets.

How to Promote your Ecommerce Business

In the earlier days, selling your products meant that you needed a brick and mortar store for yourself which meant that you had virtually limited yourself to only the local customer base. But, things have changed as today, all you need is an internet access along with a website to advertise your inventory. With an E-commerce website, you will find it pretty easy to attract multiple customers from all over the world.

The Benefits of Facebook Marketing for Ecommerce Business

Having users in excess of 800 million; Facebook happens to be the biggest social media network which certainly comes second to none. And for this reason, the online marketers have got no reasons on why they should be ignoring social networking for the benefit of the business.

Identifying and Marketing to Your Ecommerce VIPs Through 80-20 Rule

As per observation, about eighty percent of his country’s wealth had been accumulated just twenty percent people. The business has taken this the yardstick that we see it being applied in the business world to this day. So much so that the world of e-commerce practically makes the 80/20 rule as a crucial tool for customers and framing their value to the business.

Effective Ways to Boost Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

Are you looking to give your online sales business a significant boost? If so, it would make sense that you start a business website that you could control yourself. Here are tips that’ll help you increase the conversion rate of your online business:

How to Use Quizzes in Your eCommerce Marketing Strategy

Quizzes are some of those tools that are another type of content which can be used as a part of mix. It offers extreme power as with its help, you can engage your consumers in a very different way. Just think of it yourself – how much chances are there to leave a video or blog midway against a simple quiz that you are taking?

Cost to Develop a Home Maintenance App Like Fanni in Dubai

You can easily develop an on-demand handyman services mobile app. How much does it cost to develop a home maintenance app like Fanni in Dubai? Find the answer in this article.

Development Cost of an Ecommerce Payment App Like Paytm

Paytm is an ecommerce payment app. In this article, we will cover the development cost of a payment app like Paytm.

Development Cost of a Finance Comparison App Like Yallacompare

In this article, you will know about the development cost of a finance comparison app like Yallcompare. The cost to develop an app like Yallacompare ranges from AED

Development Cost of a Real Estate App Like fam Properties

Real estate software has seen a great spike in its usage recently. What is the development cost of a real estate app like fam properties? Find the answer in this article.

Development Cost Of A Meditation App Like Calm

Calm is one of the most popular meditation app in the market. This article will cover the development process and the cost required to develop a meditation app like Calm in Dubai.

The Development Cost of an On-demand Delivery App like NowNow

NowNow is an on-demand delivery app that is serving to customers in the UAE. The development cost of an app like NowNow ranges from AED..

How Much Does It Cost To Develop a Car-selling App Like SellAnyCar

SellAnyCar mobile app has made it easier to sell a car online. In this article, we break down the development cost of a car selling app in Dubai like SellAnyCar.

The Development Cost of a Property Listing App Like Bayut

Wondering what might be the cost to develop a mobile app like Bayut in Dubai? Well, it is always a challenging task to create a successful mobile app with great functionality and amazing features. Here is the cost breakdown of a property listing app like Bayut.

Cost to Develop an Innovative Online Shopping App Like Idealz

Idealz is reshaping the ecommerce scenario in Dubai. Maybe you’re wondering what is the cost to develop an app like Idealz? You will find your answer in this article.

Development Cost Of A Food Delivery App Like Talabat

Food delivery apps are all the hype right now. This is the high time to develop on-demand service apps. In this article, we will talk about the development cost of a food and grocery development app like Talabat.

How AI Can Improve The Functionality Of Taxi Booking Apps

In today's smartphone app development industry, Artificial Intelligence has been an important component. On-demand taxi booking applications have since gained a prime role in both the industry and the devices of the consumer. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely used to streamline dynamic and time-consuming operations in taxi applications.

Role of Social Media Integration in Mobile App Popularity

Social media platforms are on the rise and when used to promote your mobile app, it can be a very powerful tool in making your app viral. The purpose of this article is to highlight the role of social media integration in making an app popular and successful.

20 Trendy Mobile App Ideas for UAE Business Owners in 2021

Before developing a mobile app and opening a startup, you must identify your audience, understand their needs, come up with a feasible plan, and finally choose a mobile app development company in Dubai. We’re here to facilitate your market research by suggesting the best trendy mobile app ideas for UAE business owners in 2021. You can achieve your business growth goals easily by following the right trend that matches your interest and expertise.

8 Trends Shaping Mobile App Development in 2021

Are you ready for the changes in mobile app development in the coming year? Especially for a Mobile app development company based in Dubai, it is extremely important to keep track of the latest developments in this arena. So without further ado, here are the top 8 trends that will shape the mobile app industry in 2021.

How To Create Amazing Mobile UI Animations

Animations for interfaces are an integral component of every digital product, application, or website. Think about how seldom you see an application or website that doesn't have at least one aspect of an animated interface. In this article, from a designer's point of view, we will explore why you need animations, what to remember when making them, and how to create animations for mobile apps.

Apple Announces 'Best of 2020 Apps' From The App Store

Today, Apple announced its much awaited annual list of 2020's best applications and games. As in previous years, the winners were chosen by App Store editors based on factors such as the quality of the app, innovative design, accessibility and usage of Apple technologies, among other aspects.

App vs Website: Which Is Better For Your Business?

In the past few years, responsive design has come a long way. Building a mobile-friendly website that looks amazing on every phone or tablet is simpler than ever. A website doesn't substitute an app, and a website is not substituted by an app either. They both give businesses distinct benefits, and they can work together.

Top 5 Programming Languages For Mobile App Development

The easiest way to either create a company from scratch or improve the current business and offer it a digital advantage is with a smartphone app. Since research has consistently demonstrated that organizations that have a smartphone app better engage consumers and see greater sales. For smartphone application development, there are dozens of programming languages. To save you the time and effort, we have prepared a list of top 5 programming languages for mobile app development.

4 Ways To Combine SEO and Sales Team To Grow Your Business

The conventional way of organizations to boost business growth was through combining sales and marketing. Although this is a proven method to boost businesses, the newer strategy to drive business growth is to combine SEO and sales. In this article, we will describe four different strategies that you can use to combine sales and search engine optimization to improve your business growth.

Cyber Security And What We Should Do In 2020

Ask any expert in IT security and you will get the same response. One of the biggest obstacles to cybersecurity is the human element, which makes knowledge of cybersecurity more important than ever in our mobilized, advanced society. When the year comes to a close, each of us in the information security industry will stop worrying about what we learned in 2019 and take a moment to focus on. Then, with that in mind, we will be moving forward and looking hard at what we want to see in 2020.

[NEWS] UAE Successfully Launches Arab’s First Mars Mission

From Royex Technologies, we would like to congratulate the entire Emirates Mars Mission Team for their successful launch of the Al Amal Spacecraft to Mars. We acknowledge their tremendous hard work, focus, and determination. We would also like to congratulate Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center and the UAE Space Agency. We anticipate the Hope mission serves as a symbol of inspiration for the UAE, the Arab region, and the entire world.

Corporate Social Responsiblities

Curabitur nec ante laoreet, interdum lacus in, laoreet nisi. Fusce maximus vehicula vulputate. Quisque id mi eget ipsum ornare elementum. Phasellus molestie, magna interdum rhoncus tempus, lorem justo pellentesque ex, vitae dignissim odio lorem vitae purus. Phasellus non elit facilisis, consectetur magna vel, commodo tortor. Phasellus a est et diam aliquam posuere. Proin at lacus in nunc porta ultricies.

Eid Gift Pack For Covid Hit Expats In The UAE

In these dire times of lockdown and covid 19, Royex Technologies has felt the need to step up and stand besides the ones affected the most. We have started an Eid gift package containing essentials and distribute it among the expats in the UAE who have either lost their jobs or are facing a desperate economic situation. Read below to find out about our initiative.

Which Cloud Provider Has The Best Tools For Lowering Costs: AWS vs Azure

Comparing Azure vs AWS pricing has always been difficult due to the frequency with which prices change. However, even though a pricing comparison may only have short-term value in terms of what you will pay today for cloud services, comparisons can reveal price differences you may not have previously identified. Also, it helps you to estimate the budget of your software development project.

Google May 2020 Core Update - How To Stay On Top Of Rankings

Google has just released a core algorithm update on May 4th. This core update is officially known as the “May 2020 Core Update”. This is the second major update this year after the core algorithm update that was released in January.

Auto Backup of Cpanel to S3 using WHM in CentOS7

As most computer users know, you should make a form of backup whenever you add or delete crucial data from your computer just in case something happens that could destroy this information. It may be as easy as accidental or severe deletion as failure of the hard disk. It's no different for your server.

How to Host Wordpress Website in AWS

Considering making the leap to install WordPress on AWS directly? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the biggest provider for cloud hosting services, so it makes sense to consider trying it out. Knowing how to install WordPress on AWS involves a bit more work than with other hosting providers. However, cloud hosting is quickly becoming standard for a lot of businesses.

Tips to Reduce AWS Cost

The COVID-19 lockdown has severely impacted all aspects of the economy. It has forced cost-cutting everywhere. In these tough times, it is crucial to save money in every way you can. Similarly, when it comes to Amazon Web Services, the same principle applies. The cost of Amazon Web Services (AWS) has been a key market issue in the last decade. This objective of this article is to help you minimize the costs associated with AWS.

AWS Architecture for Heavy Traffic

It sounds like everyone wants to create the next great scalable web app today. Now we are able to scale horizontally after decoupling my application-levels. In my application tier, we can use Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to stand up servers in multiple AZs and load balance incoming traffic through EC2 instances.

Top AWS Cloud Security Tools

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is innovative in its ability to help companies scale their applications and infrastructure dynamically. Furthermore, they were great at baking safety features into their offerings. While taking responsibility for protecting their infrastructure, AWS makes it clear that it is up to customers to guarantee that AWS services are tailored to security practices. They have offered a lot of policies to make that feasible.

How to generate Lead and What is Customer Psychology in Dubai, UAE?

“So Let's talk on Client and Customer psychology and how that can help you make a Lead Magnet.”

How to Effectively Implement SEO to Your Website

Once you have fully comprehended yourself with the working of SEO for travel websites, you will be able to put it to use on yours. Whether you are making use of a WordPress or it is a blog of yours or simply you have a site that has the option of allowing users to book their plans, creating content that is simple yet eye catching and is coupled with engaging topics.

Royex has completed its 3rd participation in Gitex Fair

World's most important & influential technology event, Gitex Technology Week held every year in Dubai World Trade Centre. And it was its 39th edition of Gitex. This year more than 750 startup exhibitors from every corner of the world, from 75 countries, and over 250 regional and global investors came to the event to meet up their expectations from this fair.

AWS Summit Bahrain 2019 - Bringing Technologists Together

Technological innovations has become a major driver of disruptions across the world. Here, in the GCC it’s a pillar of the major economic transformation that is creating exciting new opportunities across the region.

Why is it necessary to have an event management platform like Eventbrite in Dubai?

The main benefits of this system that it eliminates your mundane task of doing things manually and automates the whole process. The events are customized as per clients requirements to achieve their goals and objectives of elevating their brand.

Royex Event Management and Online Ticketing System - Why and How much will it cost?

Event Management Software is a specialized event-focused solution that brings automation and task-tracking benefits to the event planning, event registration, event booking, and execution process.Our Event Management System enables organizations to envision an event, Sell ticket online, Managing multiple types of tickets, maintain a participant database, send invitations, run through the entire process to confirm participation, ticket printing and assign event execution tasks to various teams.
