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Royex Technologies Is Now An ISO 9001 And ISO 27001 Certified Company Of Dubai

We are proud and excited to announce that Royex Technologies has been accredited with ISO 9001 and 27001 certifications, two of the most acknowledged and prominent quality management standard certificates. 

These credentials are built on a quality paradigm that prioritizes customer satisfaction, digital security, leadership, business processes, and continuous and consistent development. Royex Technologies has developed software development methods and procedures that have been deliberately created and painstakingly tested in accordance with ISO worldwide standards, as evidenced by the ISO 9001 certification. 

The ISO 27001 standard certifies that Royex Technologies provides secure and professional services while adhering to the ISO's Service Catalogue and Statement of Applicability.

ISO in brief

ISO is the world's largest developer of voluntary International Standards. Their standards provide solutions and best practices for nearly every sort of technology and company, assisting businesses and organizations in improving performance while safeguarding customers and the environment.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was created in 1947 in Geneva, Switzerland, and is based there. The International Federation of National Standardizing Associations (IFNSA) was founded in the 1920s (ISA). 

The United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee (UNSCC) recommended a new global standards agency when it was halted during World War II, and the International Organization for Standardization was born. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is active in 165 nations. 

Members of the organization are the leading standards organizations in their respective nations; each country has only one member. While individuals and businesses cannot join ISO, there are other options for them to collaborate with.

ISO members gather once a year for a General Assembly to debate the organization's strategic goals. In addition, the organization is governed by a 20-person council with rotating membership that offers advice and governance.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) creates and publishes standards for a wide range of goods, materials, and processes. 

Healthcare technology, railway engineering, jewelry, apparel, metallurgy, armaments, paint, civil engineering, agriculture, and aircraft are among the 97 industries covered by the organization's standards catalog. ISO produces technical reports, technical specifications, and publicly available specifications in addition to generating standards. 

The ISO plays a critical role in promoting global trade by establishing common standards across nations. These guidelines aim to guarantee that products and services are safe, dependable, and of high quality. 

These standards guarantee that certified items meet worldwide minimum requirements, which benefit the end-user and customer. More than 20,000 standards have been established by the ISO, spanning from manufactured items and technology to food safety, agricultural, and healthcare standards.

ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and what it means for Royex

ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and what it means for Royex

The ISO standards, which were developed by global consensus, aim to tear down obstacles to international trade. ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment), and ISO 27001 (information security) are some of the most well-known standards (information security management).

ISO 9001 is the most widely accepted Quality Management System (QMS) standard in the world.

Its goal is to assist businesses in better meeting the demands of their consumers and other stakeholders. This is accomplished by establishing a structure to assure that goods and/or services are consistent with high quality.

The standard is founded on seven quality management concepts, including a strong customer focus, senior management engagement, and a desire to improve continuously.

The following are the seven quality management principles: 

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership 
  •  People engagement 
  • Process approach
  • Enhancement
  • Making decisions based on evidence
  • Relationship management 

An ISO 9001 certification shows your employees, partners, clients, and the rest of the world that customer satisfaction is at the heart of your organization.


"ISO/IEC 27001 – Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements" is the full name of ISO 27001.

It is the premier worldwide information security standard, produced jointly by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) (IEC). Both are worldwide standards-setting bodies with a strong track record.

ISO-27001 is one of a series of information security standards known as the ISO/IEC 27000 series.

ISO 27001 provides a framework for enterprises of any size or sector to use an Information Security Management System to secure their information in a methodical and cost-effective manner (ISMS).

Not only does the standard offer businesses with the required know-how for safeguarding their most sensitive data, but it also allows them to become ISO 27001 certified and demonstrate to their clients and partners that their data is safe.

ISO 27001 is easily recognized all around the world as an international standard, which expands the commercial potential for enterprises and people.

ISO 27001's primary purpose is to safeguard three types of data:

  • Confidentiality: Only authorized individuals have access to information.
  • Integrity: Only authorized individuals have the ability to alter the information.
  • Availability: The information must be available to authorized individuals at all times.

Royex Technologies underwent a third-party assessment to become ISO certified, which focused on the company's quality management systems, documentation review, and overall business and engineering processes assessment. We have robust, well-defined procedures in place across all business and engineering domains thanks to ISO certifications.

Our determination to get and retain ISO certification demonstrates our dedication to providing complete transparency and high-quality services to our consumers.

Congratulations to the Royex team on this magnificent achievement!
