The process of evolution on the internet never stops. It offers a unique environment. Due to its consistently evolutionary nature, Royex Technologies are looking over the next 12 months with and a list of significant trends to follow.
1. A mobile-first approach by more brands
At its core, the mobile first is a tool to test mobile phones with smaller screens. First, as suggested in the name, the bigger ones are then to be looked upon.
It is not a new approach, and has been around for years, but is now officially named as the primary device to browse the web from mobile phones. More companies realize the importance of having a site that effectively delivers content on a smaller screen, especially here in the Dubai or Middle-east, are looking into the technology.
You work up towards the larger-screened devices, but first, the content is designed to fit on mobile and smaller screened devices first.
The first mobile is a useful way to establish interaction between clients and businesses. The design and visuals ensure that flawless communication takes place.
2. Responsive Design Implementation Becoming Popular
As the trend is catching up fast, more and more brands will use responsive design in coming days. Though the responsive design is around for a while, its popularity is only increasing. Companies are building responsive-based sites for both big and small screens.
At its core, it is a process of creating a website which will fit in any device like mobile, tablet or laptop? It works when sensitive implements it, and goes hand-in-hand with cell phones, as mobile first designs take the priority.
Initially, it allows businesses to pay for just a single site build which efficiently delivers content on mobile and tablets. Gradually, it goes all the way to laptops to big-screened desktops, which is the bonuses of responsive design.
More new technologies will be evolve this year to make the responsiveness more effective and perfect.
The reason why even more brand’s employing, as we anticipate, apart from cost-effectiveness, is Google’s new criteria. In April last year, Google dropped the ranking algorithm for good. Google’s update now boosts the rankings of sites which optimizes its content, to sum it up. To users and mobile devices. To see a major shake up in online ranking, a site which isn’t optimized for mobile is set to rank lower.
3. Rapid Prototyping Tools and its Widespread Utilization
Among more useful breakthroughs to hit the web-design is rapid prototyping tools which are taking over the industry for the last year or so, although it is not a design trend just yet per se. For any web, UI and UX designer, it is a must-have instrument.
Services such as UXpin, Webflow, InVision and Marvel (amongst many others) used for rapid prototyping tools allow developers to create a workflow quickly. You can achieve it all without writing a single line of code, as it also enables prototypes of sites and services of high fidelity to gauge their usability and aesthetic. Many also allow you to design in the browser and then actually launch the site itself right from the tool. We Royex Technologies is using InVision to display our design to the client.
An immediate like-for-like experience of how the finished product would look and work in the browser, and their ease-of-use and functionality, saving precious hours, resources and would-be setbacks.
What comes from the client side is also beneficial in their application. Showing wireframes and mockups, explaining in great detail every subtle animation are no longer needed as the trend has changed. Without waiting for a more extended period, difficult conversations about user experience or transition speeds, your customers get to see exactly how it works and looks.
[invision app]
4. UI Patterns and Framework
What we’re starting to see in Dubai more are both UX and UI patterns across the web emerging where many sites function and look very similar to hone their user’s experience as they learn from one another.
All sites are now beginning to look all too similar. Instead, they look at how this UI and UX show consistent patterns and are leading the web to become more coherent and user-friendly. We won’t delve into arguments.
They can’t afford to take significant risks in the journey of the user, with such a stiff competition online today for brands across all sectors. Moreover, it makes sense to use them to enhance their site, if these tried-and-tested patterns and principles work.
Existing patterns for various goals can be found on UI-Patterns, which is a great resource to look at.
As we move closer to a unified approach, we’ll see more and more brand’s implementing them. The current UI and UX patterns develop and evolve. Also, they help to provide an online browsing experience that is consistent.
Design gimmicks to compete in an ever-increasingly more competitive market keeps users happy with a streamlined UX, which is the top priority now for more brands these days.
5. The decline of stock imagery and focus on originality
The most important aspect of design, the rise of UI patterns, now places UX, as discussed above. It means that brands now need to do away with stock imagery, and many sites now look and work in similar ways, and icons and videos, as the crowd expects, should entirely stand out.
From the brands used, and stock pictures around a screen, customers, and users today seek authenticity. A typical business style smile will not work.
To allow a brand to connect well with the audience, they’ll need carefully consider and thoroughly adapted visuals that are more representative of who they are.
The coming year may see many brands endorsing the following are all examples.
6. Tailored Illustrations
For creating playful and friendly visuals, versatile mediums, and they add an element of fun to a site so you can say that Illustrations are fantastic. Talented illustrators can, something which brands will be striving for more than an ever in an increasingly crowded marketplace, like creating illustrations which are full of personality and tailored to match the tone of the brand.
Brands can roll that out through their entire identity, with a unique style of illustration established. For using high header images, and beautifully animated visuals custom iconography.
A brand that uses the picture to create beautiful, friendly and totally Dropbox (right), is an excellent example of unique visuals full of character to appeal users.
Illustration as a discipline within itself, developers are using different trends. We recommend checking out Dribble to see what kinds of pictures the world's best are working. But, we won’t linger on them too much here. This is usually a good indicator of the styles and trends which will grow in popularity.
7. Typography: Beautiful, big and bold
Typography is also a powerful visual medium with the ability to create a personality, evoke emotion and set the tone. When viewing and reading become easier to see thanks to better resolutions, displays become sharper. To avail this feature, brands will be pushing the bar of performance even further. The purpose is to appeal more customers.
The full-screen type that breaks the grid will become standard so expect an increase in over-sized and, beautiful, hand-rendered typography with plenty of dynamic text and image layering working in tandem with parallax scrolling.
Be sure to check out Typewolf, in case you’re looking for inspiration for the typography on your site. It is a great blog for all the latest happenings in digital typography.
8. Photography Authenticity
Within web designing and designing in general, Photography will always occupy a special place. However, as maintained earlier, authenticity is what people desire from their used brands, so stock photo when they see one that they deem feasible.
About the imagery they use on site, to take their shots which frame them in the way they want to be seen. Before hiring professional photographers, brands and designers will now be thinking more carefully.
Unfortunately, cringe-inducing stock photography completely disappears, it’ll probably be a long time before that happens, but it may fall quickly by this year so expect to see it grow faster.
Our verdict: Although increasingly similar in their structure and usability; we expect many sites, to become more visually diverse and exciting as more branded content as a result of creativity, is produced.
Finding innovative ways to make their mark upon seeing names is common these days. To build their beautiful online Using video, illustration, photography, and typography have become pivotal. The name of the game is unique, carefully-considered content.
9. Cutting-Edge Animations
We’re seeing more websites move away from the use of static imagery and finding new ways to engage users. Since browsers and languages become more advanced, be unique in their approach to communicating. In hopes to capture user’s attention and animation, story-telling and personality are what more and more brands are working. Taking benefit of developments like CSS, HTML 5 and jQuery, is starting to play a bigger role, to some extent.
Following on from the illustration above, animations in all different shape sizes and styles and be found in abundance. Different types are meant to serve different purposes. From an interesting hover-state used as a UX device to a small loading device entertaining user while waiting for content to load, they come with different functionality. []
As gorgeous, full-screen animations, which can integrate to work with scrolling, to navigation or as the focal point of the entire site, they can be used on a much larger scale. Micro-interactions between brands and users is crucial, and the animation is a useful mechanic to establish it.
To observe how the implementation of animation can enhance the user experience, a comprehensive range of brands will be looking at their services and sites. From small hover-states and little touches to full-blown visuals for storytelling Expect to see the use of animation increase.
To improve the experience of users instead of using sparingly, and carefully, keep in mind after all is said and done. After all, for content to load because of clunky animations holding it up, no user wants to wait forever
10. The King is Video
They say a picture paints many colors, but not as many as an animation, or a moving image on a page that instantly captures the user's attention. But, add tenfolds of pictures and that’s what a video does. A carefully constructed narrative and the message are what draws them into brands, as videos can get across their message quickly.
A Video, although by no means new, is long-established and versatile medium. It has several advantages over traditional photography. Where static imagery is flat and motionless, the video uses more ways to present more details to the user.
A video can be quickly added to the internet, compared to separate images, which is a testament to fast it can deliver content.
By 2018, 80% of all consumer internet traffic will be video, while mobile traffic already based on the video is reached about 50%, as an infographic on the Hubspot suggests. It is a given that the video is the way to go for 2016. So, in order not to re-think your strategy or face falling behind you’re not convinced that, convince yourself on this today.
It is widespread in many places. For instance, social media has it in abundance, and the appearances of live-streaming services like Periscope are taking it to another level. Today, people not only produce their videos but also edit them before uploading.
It’s a widely popular trend which is set to continue to do so until it dominates the web. Don’t be surprised if you see all online content based on videos. Above are reason enough for brands to want to incorporate videos, and the benefits of video outlined, but what may be more important is the risk of falling from the bandwagon, or stay relevant. In transitional times for digital content, a lot is about to change.
11. Courageous Colours
For super-rich colors online, 2016 was the year to be. Designers have typically stuck with web-safe colors, whereas, many brands in the past are braver in their approach to using color, as over-saturation seems abundant. With a resurgence in the use of gradients, and oversaturated hues visible in designs. With technological advancements in monitors and devices, this is in part helped with more bright screens that reproduce richer colors.
In attracting the attention of users, the use of bolder colors in web design is helpful, but also a significant change for brands. In 2016, some tried new things and broke new grounds, as many made a conscious effort. But, usual best practices prevailed over moving away from the previously established efforts.
Spotify’s recent update to their branding is a good example of this trend. The company moved away from their well established, and safe green color, to a more noticeably vivid hue.
Although the music stream brand justified it as a necessary change. Also, the original aesthetic of it was met with mixed reviews. They had shifted brand focus and reputation from being a purely music focused brand to being a primarily ‘techy’ company.
We’d recommend checking out, Colors, Adobe Color, and uiGradients to ensure that your color choices are engaging, bold, and trendy. This is especially for those brands who are looking at revamping their color palettes in 2016. Royex web design company in Dubai is already following the courageous color theme for designing websites of their client.
From photography, illustration, typography, video, and UIs, look forward to seeing more vivid color palettes online in all creative outputs.
We also expect to see more start-ups launch in hopes of gaining attention and cutting their path as existing brand’s re-position themselves. The brand takes a braver approach to using color within their core branding and identity.
12. Grid UIs And More cards
Although there are many trends that we can experience first hand, we’ve previously touched on the rise of UI pattern. A fundamental principle of Google’s Material Design, the use of card-based UIs is seeing more and more across the web.
Social media platforms like Pinterest and then Google, Twitter, and Facebook, cards are UIs where pieces of content (video, imagery, text) are broken down into individual‘cards. The user can then navigate through the screen. To show on display at once, larger amounts of content Card UIs are visible; users can quickly scan to dismiss what isn’t, but for chunks that are more manageable and see what’s appealing to them.
Working well on tablet and mobile with gesture-based swiping, card’s tie in nicely with Mobile-First design and Responsive principles. Tinder, Chrome, Safari, scale up nicely for desktop users.
For creating and organizing content, as users can filter, customize and sort them to suit their needs, cards also allow brands to build more robust systems. In the process, brands cater to the needs of their users on a much more personal level.
Users easier and faster ways to find the content they want, as attention spans become shorter. Also, we anticipate seeing more brands implement this particular UI pattern to hold the attention of their visitors. As well as organize ever-increasing amounts of content.
13. Parallax and Innovative scrolling
It was once reserved for getting from the top of a page to the bottom, but scrolling is being used to deliver content online with more creative capacities. In the days gone by, designers were concerned about placing the most relevant content above it all. Today, this old fashion style is fast disappearing. Finding the fold is becoming increasingly difficult, as users are viewing the content with varying sizes and displays.
With all varieties of content delivery, scrolling is a talented mechanic that works great under most conditions. For instance, where great full-screen videos play and pause as the user scrolls, parallax works with video content, animated content, moving and static content. Users can change the content as they like.[]
Since it has many applications, it is a talented mechanic. But, it can be disastrous to usability if executed or abused severely. Like most modern developments, however, as more designers experiment and gain feedback from users we expect that it’ll be something which gets better and better, additional levels of interaction and adding more functionality.
How Parallax is being implemented online, we also see changes in it. To give their sites an extra level of polish, within their builds, more brands are looking to implement parallax effect. Though a scrolling mechanic, the parallax gives a 3d effect as the background moves slower compared to the foreground. It gives a sense of depth, which when used well, can be a great visual tool. Parallax can create a sense of dynamism by lifting elements of the screen.
For those interested in implementing parallax, we’d recommend checking out Parallax.js, a handy jQuery plugin for quickly creating impressive parallax effects.
Today, companies finding more innovative solutions for delivering their content to users, with content being created much faster than you would anticipate. It is expected that intelligent use of parallax effects and scroll can be seen more commonly.
Within their builds. Some high profile companies are starting to implement Parallax. Some are more using it more subtly than others, but the trend is catching up fast in 2016. To suit their content and purposes, brands and designers across the globe tinker with it.
From hundreds of ongoing trends in any creative industry, as seen in Dubai. It’s hard to pinpoint every single one time, but that some of the core ones to be focusing on in 2017 and beyond.
We, at Royex, continuously change and follow the design trend which is a must for us. Our RnD team consistently work out to find out the best solution for our client so that they can thrive in the ever ending world of changes.
Royex Technologies is a leading Webdesign Company in Dubai. We, not only understand our clients’ needs, but also help our clients' to take their ideas to the next levels with all our expertise. Call for any inquiries at +971566027916 or mail at