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Interview With Rajib Roy, CEO Of Royex Technologies, Explaining His Leadership Style

Hello everyone, I’m Shams Mohammed, Deputy Manager (Digital Marketing) at Royex Technologies. Today I’ll be interviewing our CEO, Mr Rajib Roy on his leadership approach and style.

Mr Rajib holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master's degree in Computer Engineering. An accomplished author with multiple tech books to his name, he has been at the helm of Royex since its establishment in 2013.

Mr. Rajib has been successfully running a tech company in Dubai for the past 10 years, during which he has encountered numerous challenges and triumphs. He's not only witnessed the ever evolving  technological trends, but has also expertly adapted to them, steering his company through various industry shifts. His journey is a testament to his resilience and adaptability, qualities that have defined his leadership.

Today, I decided to interview Mr. Rajib to gain valuable insights on leadership, as he has navigated through both the ups and downs of running a tech company in the hyper-competitive city of Dubai . His perspective on leadership promises to provide all of us with invaluable insights, drawing from his rich experience in the ever-evolving technology landscape.

Rajib Roy - CEO of Royex Technologies


Q: Can you provide an overview of your journey to becoming a CEO in the tech industry? What inspired you to pursue this career path?

My journey to becoming a CEO in the tech industry has been both challenging and rewarding. In 2013, I took the bold step of founding our company, and as the founder, I assumed the CEO role from the outset. At that time, we were a small team of four individuals with a big vision.

One of the remarkable aspects of our journey is that we embarked on this venture with zero external investment. We didn't have the luxury of external funding, so we adopted a self-sustaining approach. With each new project we secured, we reinvested the earnings back into the business to fuel our growth.

While I have a deep passion for technology and product development, I also discovered that I possessed strong sales acumen. This unique blend of technical expertise and salesmanship has been instrumental in our company's growth. I've always believed that exceptional products can be built efficiently without exorbitant costs, and this philosophy has guided our approach from the beginning.

The journey wasn't without its challenges. We faced financial crises along the way, but each challenge served as a learning opportunity. My hunger for innovation and my drive to create new technologies were my driving forces. Despite financial constraints, I consistently pursued opportunities to develop groundbreaking products and expand our reach into different territories.

My inspiration for venturing into entrepreneurship came from the world of science fiction (Sci-Fi) movies. The imaginative technologies depicted in these films fueled my desire to build real-world innovations that people could use. I've been involved in some unconventional and ambitious development projects because of this passion.

Prior to starting this company, I spent over a decade in the corporate world. However, I realized that I couldn't fully pursue my technological dreams within that framework, as corporate priorities often prioritized business over technical innovation. This realization prompted me to seek my independence and establish my own company, even though no one in my family had a background in entrepreneurship.


Q:What is your leadership philosophy, and how does it shape your approach to leading a tech company?

My leadership philosophy centers around recognizing and nurturing talent. I firmly believe that every individual possesses unique talents and capabilities, even if they may not be fully aware of them. As a leader, it's my responsibility to identify and harness these talents through various challenges and tasks.

I am known for being a perfectionist, and I have high expectations when it comes to the quality and timeliness of work. I expect those who work alongside me to meet these standards, and I provide guidance and support to help them achieve excellence.

What sets my leadership approach apart is my ability to inspire and motivate individuals with a passion for technology and innovation. I thrive on working with tech-minded individuals who are driven by a desire to create and innovate. My leadership style is most effective when working with those who share a passion for pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the tech industry.

However, I recognize that not everyone is solely motivated by a love for technology. Some team members may have financial goals or other personal aspirations. In those cases, my approach may not resonate as strongly. For these individuals, I aim to provide a work environment that fosters growth and offers opportunities for advancement.


Q:What do you consider to be the most significant challenges and opportunities in the tech industry today, and how is your company positioned to address them?

The tech industry is currently undergoing a rapid transition, presenting both significant challenges and opportunities. In the past, technologies had relatively long lifespans, lasting for 5 to 6 years. This provided ample time for learning and capitalizing on those technologies.

However, today's tech landscape is characterized by fast-paced development, and information about technological advancements reaches consumers almost instantly. As a result, customers now expect products and services to evolve at an equally rapid pace. For tech companies, this poses a considerable challenge in terms of preparing their workforce to meet these high expectations.

Another challenge is the uncertainty of the tech industry's direction. Previously, companies could formulate 3 to 4-year plans to guide their development and growth. However, the current pace of technological change makes it difficult to predict what the industry will look like even a year from now, let alone several years down the line.

At our company, we understand that these challenges require us to be agile and adaptable. We focus on continuous learning and upskilling to ensure that our team remains at the forefront of technology. Additionally, we embrace a culture of innovation, allowing us to respond quickly to emerging trends and technologies.

While the fast-paced nature of the tech industry presents challenges, it also offers tremendous opportunities. By staying nimble and responsive, we can position ourselves to capitalize on these opportunities. We actively seek out partnerships and collaborations to harness the power of collective innovation.


Q:How do you foster innovation within your organization? Can you share examples of recent innovations that have originated from your company?

In our organization, fostering innovation is a fundamental aspect of our culture. We have established a systematic approach to encourage and nurture innovative ideas from our team members. Our philosophy is to keep the channels of innovation open, inviting ideas from every corner of our organization. Team members are actively encouraged to submit their innovative concepts and solutions.

Once these ideas are submitted, we subject them to a rigorous evaluation process. This evaluation considers factors such as feasibility, potential impact, and alignment with our business goals. The goal is to identify ideas that hold the most promise for further development.

Our Tech Sales and Project Management teams play a crucial role in the innovation process. They are at the forefront of monitoring industry trends, engaging with customers to understand their needs, and identifying areas where innovation can make a significant difference.

As a leader, I take a hands-on role in leading our Research and Development (R&D) efforts. This includes selecting which ideas to pursue and providing guidance to the R&D teams. Our passion for embracing new technology is a driving force behind our innovative spirit.

Transparency is key to our innovation process. We maintain an open window into our R&D efforts by dedicating a section of our website to showcase our ongoing and completed R&D projects. This allows both our team and our clients to stay informed about our latest innovations.

Two notable recent innovations from our company include RoyexConnect and Eyaana. RoyexConnect is a solution designed to seamlessly connect various software solutions, particularly benefiting larger companies with multiple systems. It simplifies data interchange and integration, streamlining operations. Eyaana, on the other hand, is our unique chatbot. Unlike traditional chatbots, Eyaana operates with limited information and employs a distinct approach to provide answers, making it stand out in the world of conversational AI.


Q:What is your long-term vision for the company? How do you plan to drive growth and innovation in the coming years?

Our overarching vision is to become a pioneering technology innovator, shaping the future by staying at the forefront of technological advancements. We aim to create solutions that have a profound and positive impact on the lives of millions of individuals and businesses. Our strategic approach involves continuous learning, agile development, collaborative partnerships, customer-centric solutions, and unwavering transparency and accountability.


Q:In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, how do you stay informed about emerging technologies and trends? How does this knowledge inform your strategic decisions?

I have a deep passion for staying informed about emerging technologies and trends. To achieve this, I dedicate a significant amount of my personal time to reading and watching tech-related content. Weekends, especially Saturdays and Sundays, are when I immerse myself in learning and thinking beyond our office work.

This commitment to continuous learning is essential in our industry, where innovation happens at a rapid pace. The insights and ideas that emerge during these dedicated learning sessions often become the catalyst for many of the innovative initiatives within our company. They inform our strategic decisions, guiding us toward opportunities that align with the ever-evolving tech landscape.


Q:Can you describe a particularly challenging moment in your career as CEO and how you navigated through it?

Throughout my journey as CEO, we have been fortunate to maintain a strong technical foundation, given our origins rooted in technical expertise. However, challenges have presented themselves at different stages of our company's growth.

In the early stages, when we did not yet have a physical office in the UAE, I faced the unique challenge of conducting client meetings from various coffee shops. Convincing potential clients to place their trust in us, despite the absence of a physical presence, was a considerable hurdle. Financial constraints further added to the complexity, and maintaining the company's financial stability was a paramount concern during this period.

As we progressed into the mid-stage of our company's growth and established a presence in the UAE with a growing team, a new challenge emerged. We found ourselves in the position of needing to attract larger clients while lacking an extensive portfolio to showcase. This presented difficulties in effectively engaging with potential clients and demonstrating our capabilities.

More recently, our focus has shifted toward elevating our company from a mid-range player to a top-tier industry leader. This transition has brought its own set of challenges, from establishing a stronger market presence to competing with established industry giants.

Overcoming these challenges has been a continuous learning process, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we've adapted and evolved with time, drawing on our collective experiences and lessons learned. Each challenge has strengthened our resolve and honed our ability to find innovative ways to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the tech industry.


Q:What role does company culture play in the success of your organization? How do you cultivate a positive and innovative work environment?

Company culture plays a pivotal role in driving our organization's success. We have intentionally nurtured a work environment where hierarchy takes a backseat, and every team member has the opportunity to engage directly with the CEO and freely share their ideas. This open and inclusive culture has yielded numerous benefits, including a vibrant exchange of innovative concepts, a collaborative spirit that transcends departments, and high levels of employee engagement. Team members feel motivated and empowered, knowing that their voices are not only heard but also valued, which fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility throughout the organization. This culture of accessibility and transparency ultimately fuels innovation and contributes to our overall success.

To sustain this positive and innovative work environment, we continuously reinforce these cultural principles. Regular team meetings, collaborative brainstorming sessions, and a strong emphasis on recognizing and rewarding innovative contributions are among the practices we uphold. Our commitment to nurturing this culture ensures that our team remains motivated, engaged, and aligned with our shared vision, ultimately driving our organization's ongoing success in the dynamic tech industry.


Q:How do you prioritize diversity and inclusion within your company, both in terms of the workforce and product development?

We prioritize diversity and inclusion in both our workforce and product development. Our hiring practices promote diversity, and we provide inclusivity training to foster a respectful work environment. In product development, we conduct broad user research and encourage diverse perspectives to ensure our solutions are accessible to all. Continuous feedback and refinement of our initiatives support our commitment to diversity and inclusion, strengthening our company's values and competitiveness.


Q:What strategies do you employ to attract and retain top talent in the highly competitive tech industry?

Our approach to attracting and retaining top talent in the competitive tech industry revolves around sharing our vision. We believe that talented individuals are drawn to a compelling future. We accomplish this by showcasing our journey, highlighting our past accomplishments, and presenting our ambitious plans for the future. When potential team members resonate with our vision and ambitions, they are more likely to choose to join our team.


Q:In today's globalized world, how do you approach international expansion and building a global presence for your company?

Our company has adopted an aggressive approach to international expansion, recognizing the opportunities in today's globalized world. While we initially operated exclusively in the UAE, our expansion strategy has led us to establish a presence in Qatar. Moreover, we have imminent plans to open an office in Saudi Arabia, where we are already engaged with several prominent clients, including NEOM and COCA-COLA.

Furthermore, our development team spans multiple countries, with offices in India and Bangladesh. We have also recently welcomed talented developers from Pakistan. This approach to diversifying our talent pool reflects our commitment to expanding into new territories and fostering collaboration among individuals with different backgrounds and knowledge. It enables us to stay at the forefront of technological advancements while providing a global presence that aligns with the demands of our clients in this interconnected world.


Q:Can you share any notable achievements or milestones your company has reached under your leadership?

Under my leadership, our company has achieved significant milestones that demonstrate our growth and impact in the industry. We began as a small team of just four individuals and have since grown to a workforce of over 60 talented professionals. This substantial expansion speaks to our ability to attract and nurture top talent.

Moreover, we have successfully secured partnerships and collaborations with major brands and clients within our region. Our growing portfolio includes partnerships with renowned organizations, showcasing our ability to deliver high-quality solutions and services that meet the needs of these esteemed clients.

Additionally, we have embarked on a journey of international expansion, taking our expertise and services beyond our initial borders. Our footprint now extends to multiple countries, positioning us as a global player in the tech industry.

These achievements collectively highlight our commitment to excellence, growth, and innovation under my leadership.


Q:How do you balance short-term profitability goals with long-term sustainability and ethical considerations?

At our core, we are a forward-thinking company with a strong emphasis on long-term vision. We continually invest in future-focused initiatives, such as our recently launched Game Development division, which has introduced three outstanding games to the market. While profitability in this sector may not be immediate, we recognize it as an investment in our future sustainability.

Simultaneously, we remain agile and are committed to short-term profitability projects. These ventures serve as a means to fuel our long-term vision, providing us with the resources and financial stability needed to sustain our ethical and forward-looking approach. Our strategic balance between short-term gains and long-term sustainability underscores our commitment to both our present and future success.

Q:What are your views on the ethical use of technology, especially in areas like data privacy, AI ethics, and cybersecurity?

I have genuine concerns about the ethical use of technology, particularly in the realms of data privacy, AI ethics, and cybersecurity. The reality is that some individuals and entities may misuse technology unethically. To address this challenge, it is imperative for tech companies to proactively implement robust ethical frameworks and safeguards. Moreover, governments should take proactive and stringent measures to monitor and regulate the tech industry to ensure responsible and ethical practices are upheld. This collective effort is essential to strike a balance between technological advancement and ethical responsibility.


Q:How do you respond to challenges related to cybersecurity threats and data breaches, and what measures does your company take to protect customer data?

Within our organization, we have a dedicated Hosting & Security Testing division that works tirelessly to fortify our cybersecurity measures. While I cannot divulge specific details for security reasons, I can assure you that we have a highly skilled and formidable team that is vigilant in safeguarding our systems and customer data. Over the past decade, we have maintained an impeccable record, with no data losses or successful breaches by hackers. Our team continually thwarts over 2,000 hacking attempts annually, both on our infrastructure and our clients' systems. This ongoing battle is central to our commitment to data security.

Additionally, we are in the process of partnering with leading security firms to bolster our protective measures further. This proactive approach reflects our unwavering dedication to maintaining the utmost security and protection of customer data.

Q:How do you engage with customers and maintain strong relationships in an industry characterized by rapid change and innovation?

We foster a thriving community that forms the cornerstone of our engagement strategy. At Royex, we believe in sharing knowledge and insights regularly. We host a variety of events and seminars, providing opportunities for interaction and knowledge exchange. Among these initiatives are our Tech Talk Business Breakfast sessions, which occur bi-weekly, and our Tech Talk video series, presented weekly.

To keep our clients and community informed, we distribute a weekly newsletter, ensuring that our audience remains up-to-date with the latest developments and trends. Additionally, we maintain an active presence on social media platforms, facilitating real-time communication and engagement with our stakeholders. This multifaceted approach allows us to not only keep pace with the rapid changes in our industry but also to strengthen and maintain lasting relationships with our valued customers.


Q:What is your approach to corporate social responsibility, and how does your company contribute to the communities it operates in?

As a technology company, we recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility despite our limited financial resources. While we have extended financial assistance, particularly during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe that our greatest contribution lies in sharing knowledge.

We are committed to fostering a more informed and intelligent community through various knowledge-sharing initiatives. By organizing a range of sessions and events, we aim to empower individuals and communities with the insights and expertise needed to thrive in the digital age. Through these efforts, we aspire to make a meaningful and lasting impact on the societies in which we operate, ultimately contributing to their growth and development.


Q:How do you see the role of AI and automation shaping the future of your company and the tech industry as a whole?

We are on the cusp of a transformative era, one that will reshape the world as we know it. In the next five years, we anticipate a profound shift in the technological landscape. To prepare for this inevitable change, we have embarked on a journey of AI adoption. Our team is actively engaged in learning various facets of AI and automation, and we are bolstering our workforce by bringing in AI specialists.

Our strategic focus centers on infusing AI capabilities into our products. We are introducing new offerings that are AI-powered and enhancing our existing products by integrating advanced automation and AI features. For instance, our Enterprise Ecommerce platform, Okommerce, now leverages AI to assist in product description generation. Our search algorithms have been refined to provide personalized options, reflecting our commitment to staying at the forefront of AI and automation trends. This deliberate approach positions us to not only navigate the future but also shape it within the tech industry.


Q:Can you share any advice or insights for aspiring tech leaders who aspire to reach a CEO position in the industry?

For aspiring tech leaders with ambitions of becoming CEOs in the industry, my advice is simple yet crucial: Build your company around a compelling vision. A strong vision not only inspires your team but also serves as the driving force behind your journey to leadership. To excel as a CEO, it's essential to master three fundamental elements: the art of creating exceptional products, the science of effective marketing, and the intricacies of efficient distribution. To truly succeed as a CEO, you must adeptly navigate and excel in these three key areas.

Q:Lastly, what excites you the most about the future of technology, and how do you envision your company's role in shaping that future?

I'm incredibly excited about the future of technology, particularly in the realms of AI, robotics, and data automation. It's a new era with boundless possibilities. As I mentioned earlier, all of our existing and upcoming products are being crafted with these innovations in mind. We're committed to making significant advancements while prioritizing data security above all else. We envision our company as a driving force in shaping this exciting technological future.


In this enlightening interview, we delved into the remarkable journey of Mr. Rajib Roy, CEO of Royex Technologies. His path from a small team with a big vision to a global player in the tech industry is a testament to his dedication, resilience, and unwavering commitment to innovation. Mr. Rajib's insights on leadership, the challenges and opportunities in the tech industry, and his vision for the future shed light on the forward-thinking approach that defines his company.

With a strong emphasis on fostering innovation, nurturing a positive work environment, and embracing diversity and inclusion, Mr. Rajib has exemplified how these principles drive the success of his organization. His dedication to ethical technology use, commitment to data security, and relentless pursuit of knowledge and learning showcase his unwavering integrity as a tech leader.

As Mr. Rajib Roy looks to the future, he envisions a world shaped by AI, robotics, and data automation, and Royex Technologies is poised to play a pivotal role in these transformative developments. His journey and insights offer invaluable guidance for aspiring tech leaders and provide a glimpse into the exciting technological future that awaits us.
